Simplicity Starter Kit
... And thank you for all that you're doing to bring a de-cluttered environment, predictable rhythm, balanced schedule, and information-filtered family life to yourself and to your children.
Together we can help parents and their children build healthy connections and, ultimately, a better world.
Enjoy your Starter Kit!
Kim John Payne
 1) Audio Recording: "Family Life Streams"
This audio will provide you with an overview of how modern day families have become deluged with an onslaught of "more."
P.S. I want to make sure our emails are getting through so you can receive our newsletters and updates in a timely fashion. Please follow the instructions at the bottom of this page to get your email settings matched with ours. Thank you!
4)Â "Simplicity Parenting eNews"
You'll also start receiving our monthly newsletter, which is full of relevant articles and information.
IMPORTANT: Email Settings Instructions
You’ll need to whitelist our email address to ensure you receive our Simplicity eNews and community updates.
Follow These Instructions for Gmail:
1. In your inbox, locate an email from [email protected]
2. Drag this email to the “primary” tab of your inbox.
3. This will ensure that our emails will go to your primary folder in the future so you wont' miss any important updates. Perfect!
For other email service providers (Yahoo, AOL, Apple, etc.) please add us as a contact in your address book.