Coach / Group Leader / Care Professionals

About Simplicity Parenting Coaches and Group Leaders
Our Group Leaders and Coaches offer Simplicity Parenting Parent Gatherings to parents in their communities. These gatherings are small groups of like-minded parents coming together to explore one of the following topics:
- Family Life (based on our book, Simplicity Parenting)
- Discipline and Guidance (based on The Soul of Discipline)
- Emotional Self-Regulation for Parents (based on Being At Your best When Your Kids Are At Their Worst).
Family Life Coach; Family Life Group Leader; Discipline and Guidance Group Leader
City / State: Lincoln, Massachusetts
Email: [email protected]
About: Tara Rachel Jones, M.Ed. has been working professionally with young children since 1989. She received her B.A in Early Childhood Education in 1991 from Simmons College, Boston and a certified and experienced Montessori teacher. She received her M.Ed. in both Waldorf Early Childhood and Elementary Education in 2009 from Antioch New England Graduate University in Keene, NH. Since 1997, She has pioneered yoga and mindfulness programs for children from pre-k – Grade 12, throughout the Boston area in Public, Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, alternative Private Schools and Youth Organizations. She has maintained a stronghold in the field of education by bringing yoga and mindfulness workshops to teachers and parents. In 2011, she started a Yoga Teacher Traini...
Discipline and Guidance Coach; Simplicity Parenting Coach; Family Life Group Leader; Discipline and Guidance Group Leader; Emotional Self Regulation Group Leader
City / State: Bedford, Massachusetts
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1-508-507-0579
About: Kirsten Carr, M.Ed., has been working with children since 1982. She graduated summa cum laude from Endicott College, where she received a B.S. in Psychology, and M.Ed. in Elementary Education. She later pursued her second M.Ed., in Waldorf Early Childhood Education from Sun-Bridge Institute. Since 1996 Kirsten has worked in a wide range of capacities as an educator for infants incorporating the (RIE) method, parent-tot, transitional nursery and nursery in both Montessori and Waldorf schools. Her parent education work has been inspired by the founder of Simplicity Parenting, Kim John Payne since 2005. Kirsten is a nurturing Waldorf Parent/Child and Transitional-Nursery Teacher, skilled storyteller, gifted pupp...
Family Life Coach; Family Life Coach Group Leader; Discipline and Guidance Group Leader
State / Country: Northampton, MA
Email: [email protected]
About: Janet Lynch, M.Ed., has been helping parents create more daily ease, calm and connection in their family lives since 2016. She was introduced to Simplicity Parenting over a decade ago, when her older child was a toddler, and its impact was immediate and profoundly steadying for the whole family. She is deeply grateful to have had Kim John Payne’s books as a compass since her early parenting days, and finds it a joy to bring parents together to explore his work in supportive groups. Janet’s longtime interest in children’s development and well-being, her background in teaching, and her enthusiam for the Simplicity Parenting approach come together in the programs she offers in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts.