Coach / Group Leader / Care Professionals

About Simplicity Parenting Coaches and Group Leaders
Our Group Leaders and Coaches offer Simplicity Parenting Parent Gatherings to parents in their communities. These gatherings are small groups of like-minded parents coming together to explore one of the following topics:
- Family Life (based on our book, Simplicity Parenting)
- Discipline and Guidance (based on The Soul of Discipline)
- Emotional Self-Regulation for Parents (based on Being At Your best When Your Kids Are At Their Worst).
Family Life Coach
State / Country: Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Germany +0 176 2423 3310
About: Als gebürtige Kanadierin, in Deutschland wohnende Mutter und zertifizierte Simplicity Parenting Family Life Coach, freut sich Lovis Reinelt die Prinzipien von Simplicity Parenting durch ihre interaktiven Workshops zu vertiefen und für Sie lebendig zu machen. A Canadian living in Germany, mother of 3 and certified Simplicity Parenting Family Life Coach, Lovis Reinelt looks forward to deepening the concepts of Simplicity Parenting via her interactive Workshops where she brings this important work to life .