Laura Ghiron - Discipline & Guidance
Discipline and Guidance Group Leader
City / State: Davis, California
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1-734-846-4141
About: Laura Ghiron is a long-time parent and child advocate who in her day job works to improve the health and lives of people around the world. She has her Master's in Public Health from the University of Michigan's Department of Health Behavior and Health Education and works globally on scaling up promising health and development interventions, often with a special focus on youth. She came to know of Kim John Payne’s work on Simplicity Parenting in approximately 2005 when her first son was in a Waldorf kindergarten. After kindergarten both her children moved into study in traditional public schools so she has experience with both systems and how Simplicity Parenting (SP) methods can be brought to bear on the pressures children and families face in diverse settings. Having benefitted in her own family, she now wishes to support families to gain access to SP thinking as they work to incorporate these simple but critical, life-changing approaches to help children and families live the best lives they can.