Thanna Vickerman - Simplicity Parenting Care Professional
Simplicity Parenting Care Professional
City / State: Los Angeles, California
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (213) 361-1606
About: It would be an honor to join you on your parenting journey, offering support to increase connection and guiding you to the relationship you dream of having with your child. Together, we can bring more joy and laughter to your home. Parents know that being a parent is the hardest job one will ever have. It is also the only job that offers the potential of the greatest rewards - true connection, acceptance and unconditional love with another human. Since 2016, I have been listening to and guiding parents to follow their inner wisdom and to see their children through their hearts. And I love it. I teach workshops, a speak in online summits, write articles, train staff and work with parents privately all over the world. When Dr. Laura Markham asked me to be the coach mentor for four additional cohorts of coaches, I said yes. I am also a Playful Parenting Leader, certified by Dr. Larry Cohen, author of Playful Parenting. I am honored to name Kim John Payne as one of my teachers. There is a long list of shoulders I stand on and I continue to learn every day from the parents I support and my greatest personal teacher – my child.